Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My life is so unorganized and its really depressing me could you tell me what i should do?

WARNING: This could take a while to read.

I am a high school jr. Right now i attend a technical school as well as a university through an advanced credit program. I wanting to go to college and stuff. But then again i have a lot on my plate. I am 17 without any children. Senior year i have so many plans. I want to play volleyball, join the cheer squad, play softball, continue my part time job as well as my community service at the Zoo and at the Hospital. Freshmen and Sophomore year i really didn't make good grades. But this year i received a 3.7 for the first semester and my GPA now is a 3.5. My over all is a 2.4. I'm depressed because it was this internship that i really wanted to-do this summer working in the field of Pharmacy. My goal is to become a Doctor of Pharmacy. In the long run of my college career i want to Speak Spanish, and continue my overall Jazz, Tap and Acting courses. I was thinking about playing the piano but i think i have already to much on my resume. I am very unorganized on how i want to go about things. At the end of my senior year i forgot to mention that i am participating in a pageant. With me being involoved in all these activities, do you think that colleges will look at my bad GPA if its not a 3.0 by the end of senior year? Do you think i have a chance at getting into a really good school. P.S. I am studying now for the ACT. My goal is to score a 28 on it. I have bad math skills, and my reading isn't really that good. could you please give me some type of advice. Should i drop some of my activites or my job or community service. Please tell me your opinion on my busy life.

It sounds like the most important thing to you longterm is to get into college and the program that you want to do. Some activities are good for college entrance, but you don't want so many that you don't have time to study.

Do you need your parttime job for the money, or is it related to what you want to study? If not, I'd drop it.

My suggestions:

- drop the job

- continue one sport (volleyball, softball or cheer)

- continue one community service thing (zoo or hospital, maybe hospital because you want to do pharmacy)

- do one artsy thing, like the pageant or dance classes

That way you're still well rounded but you have time to study!

Good luck :-)

You have a lot of activities you want to get / stay involved in but you say you are depressed. Maybe you are overworking yourself. Is there an underlying issue that is causing you to want to be involved in so many things? Are you avoiding issues at home?

I say if you are stressing too much you should cut things down to your 4-5 favorites and pursue them will all your heart. If you spread yourself too thin you won't master any of your hobbies.

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