Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How do you learn to enjoy yourself while your kids are at their dad

I'm learning..but what would you suggest for a mom who needs to enjoy her down time while kids are with their dad for school breaks and weekends?

without feeling guilty?

I'm a mom of 15 years to date so being a mom is all I do everyday..They are starting to get older now and do things on their own with their dad, friends and so on.

So I am finding it interesting of some of my new free time. Its an adjustment period but I am handling it fine and going out but I am curious to what others have to say and what they would suggest for someone like in my place.

holds michael T down while JJ bitchslaps him . lmao

but as for you, how bout a part time job?

Have another one.

lol bill.

its called a sex toy, jj. ;)

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