Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Do you ever miss being pregnant?

Just curious if anyone else misses being pregnant? I was anxious for my youngest to come out, now he is almost 7 mths and every now and then I really miss my belly and feeling him move around in there, I went through this with my first as well, I love having them here, but still find myself wishing I could be pregnant with them again, anyone else feel this way or am I crazy? lol

Yes! I miss was just so awe-inspiring to think about that there was a baby inside of me. Now that he's here it's wonderful, but in a different way. I met a lady the other day who said "every age is the best age." I think that's true...even when they're just 2 weeks gestation. None of these ages we'll ever have back! It does make me eager for #2 though so I can have the "pregnant" ages back though!

my son is 8 months old and constantly I miss being pregnant, which is strange cause I'm 5' 4" and had so much water weight that I gained 100 lbs and got up to 215 lbs and that was after I gave birth to him, anyways I miss my shelf and I find myself resting my hands on my stomach like I did when I was pregnant but there's nothing to rest on cause I'm back to my pre-preg weight. I miss feeling him in there and I hope that one day I will have another baby. I'm getting divorced so it won't be happening anytime soon :-(

I sure do.

I was more confident while I was pregnant than I ever have been before :)

I also miss feeling him move.

I think the thing I miss most is the attention. I know that sounds horrible! When I was pregnant everyone worried about me and now it's like they don't even care about me anymore.

Even when they're taking pictures! There are hardly any pictures of me holding my baby. They don't care.

The only time I miss it (my husband too) is at night. I'm used to having my hand on my tummy. My husband would rub his hand on my tummy too in the middle of the night. He wakes up now when he does that and realizes that the tummy isn't there anymore. I catch myself rubbing my tummy sometimes during the day too. Usually when I am w/ my baby girl.

Well i do i really enjoyed being pregnant and i think i started to miss being pregnant about a week after i had my son hes my first but i really really want to have another im only 2 and a half months postpartum and am waiting to see when i think ill be completely ready to have another pregnancy is a miracle!!!! So i dont think your crazy and if you are then i must be too>@

I miss being pregnant kinda. There are some things I miss like all the attention you get while you're pregnant. But I love having my kids here too. I'm kind of sad right now that almost every one of my close friends is pregnant this year and I just had my last baby in November. So, they all get to be pregnant together and I had to do it alone last year.

I hated being pregnant! Even though I had the best pregnancy ever, it really put a damper on everything that I wanted to do. Or so it seemed. However, I do get semi-jealous of women who are pregnant only because of the anticipation of meeting the new little person coming into this world. But, now that I think about it. I would rather be pregnant than to have to deal with my daughter's teething. Ugh.

YES & some of my friends think i'm crazy. i miss all of it, but i also wasn't vomiting for months. lol. i miss the feeling, growing, the movements, the heartbeat, the respect & extra, why not? :) i miss being pregnant a lot now that my little one is 2. <3

As much as I hated being pregnant, I do miss it now. Especially when I see a pregnant woman-I remember how exciting it was to have a little person inside of me, and the joy of meeting him and her for the first time.

Yes, I do! Ryan is almost 6 months old and I miss pregnancy and feeling his movements and kicks! Its such a special bond that only mother and baby can share.

However, I dont miss being exhausted the whole time!

All the time! I wasn't anxious for my pregnancy to be over (other than, obviously to meet my boy), I actually loved it. I can't wait to be pregnant again.

Nah your not crazy! We miss the first everything once the movements start in the belly..... Just like when they are born the first word the first everything :)

not crazy.. I feel it everyday!! I am already wanting to TTC #2 but it can't happen for another year or so. I miss my plate holder and the kicks and everything.. I even miss the puking!

Yes. I miss feeling him move around inside even after my hard delivery i would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

I really dont, I was so so sick from day 1 right up until he was born! I just so miserable all the time! I would much rather have my wee man with me! I would still do it again though!

NO i hated being pregnant!!!

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