Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How old was your baby when they could use their pointer finger and their thumb to pick up things?

My son is 8 months old and can't pick up stuff w/his pointer finger and thumb yet. I put Gerber puffs on his highchair tray and he just grabs fist fulls of them or tries to crush them by banging on the tray, OR I have noticed he is trying by poking it w/his pointer finger but can never grab it. So just wondering when your child learned this. I don't know if my son is behind or what. thx.

God, I can't completely remember but I am gonna say about 8 months he started because thats when he started getting good with eatting his finger foods.

Keep offering the finger foods, this is how my son figured out and began using the pincher grasp. Finger foods are the perfect way to help them learn and perfect the pincher grasp.

The puffs, IMO, can be kinda hard to learn to pick up as well. The are tiny. Try offering some pasta or larger chunks of banana. I found spiral or wagon wheels to be the easiest for a baby starting out learning to grasp food.

My daughter was 6 months, but the little boy in my daycare just got the hang of it at 9 months.

my bub is 8 months too and cant do this....they usually stick to his palms then he shoves his whole hand on his face....hes eating some right now...i eat them too.... the apple/cinn ones are soooooooo good

my son was about 9 months.

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