Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Do you like Jason or Jayson better?

I always liked jayson. its a modern twist to a classic name. good balance. :)

when you have jason its just jay-son. but with jayson you pronounce the y more so theres a bit of a different sound.

i prefer jason, but jayson is also nice :)

Jason spelling can be found on a calendar ( July, August, Sept,Oct, Nov.) but you add the y.. he no where..

I like both go with the one you like.. I got a son Jason Quinn and we call him JQ. :)

Definately Jayson. I wrote a book with a character named Jayson.

I like the name.

Jayson by far.

Its unique spelling.

And these days,

Unique is everything.

My friend spells his name 'Jayson',

so you think I'd be biased,

but I actually prefer 'Jason'.



You can still call him Jay & not have to deal with the hassle of it always being misspelled.

Jason. If you spelled it the other way, there would be constant mispellings in his life. It gets frustrating when people spell your name wrong all of the time. I know LOL

Jason. It's a lovely masculine boys name.

Jayson is trashy.


i know this wasnt the question, but i think Aeson is a beautiful name... and it has the same sound to it... its unique too...

I much prefer Jason. You can still use Jay as a nickname.

Jason - unusual spellings like Jayson look odd!

I like Jason. I HATE random "y's" thrown into names just to make it look different.


You can call him Jay either way

I like the classic spelling

Jason for sure!!! Jayson will be misspelled the kid's whole life. Why not just save some aggravation...

I prefer it spelt like Jason but Jay can be the nickname.




I always wanted to name my son Jayson but i think the name or names have gotten too common. I still like Jayson best.

I would do jayson.. Be different..

jayson sounds cool

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